
Past speaker

Anita Stull, RN

WSNA Bylaws and Resolutions Committee

Anita Stull is a psychiatric nurse who has worked at the University of Washington Medical Center’s Ortho, Pain Management and Inpatient Psychiatry for 39 years. She was a member of the Nursing Student Union and became an active WSNA member when she started working at UWMC. She is the current chair of the Bylaws Committee and has served in officer positions for the E&GW Cabinet and Local Unit. In addition to her involvement at WSNA, Anita is an active and engaged ANA member, is currently a member of the ANA Committee of Bylaws and has previously served in ANA E&GW office.

Best experience ever. Reminded me why I became a nurse and gave me a new zeal to continue fighting for our profession. — 2017 attendee